We are currently working at full speed on the extension of our integration solution i-OhJa in version 1.3.0.
As can be seen from the new version numbering, in addition to many functional innovations, there will also be some changes to the API.

A blog post with more details about the new version has been published on the SAP Community Network: https://blogs.sap.com/2020/05/05/big-data-integration-of-sap-netweaver-using-i-ohja/
Excerpt from the innovations to version 1.3.0:
- The product was divided into several modules: Core, Client, Converters, Kafka Connect, Server and UI. This reduces dependency on the software packages used if only a partial selection of modules is used. The individual modules can now be parameterized separately.
- A complete library of wrapper classes and conversion routines is provided for all necessary JCo classes and functionalities.
- The software packages used have been updated to the latest version. JCo version 3.1.2 is now required, which among other things provides extended type classes and compression mechanisms.
- The JCo JAR and associated native libraries can now be used in other naming..
- A new code generator for case classes based on SAP RFCs is provided. This enables simple and type-safe processing of RFC function objects.
- The Kafka Adapter now uses the native JAVA Kafka Client in version 2.2.
- Revision of the code base and cleanup of codescan warnings
- New comprehensive functionality for tracing SAP RFC calls to various file formats
- Increased stability of the OpenHub Server Service
- More comprehensive unit and integration testing
- Bug fixing and extended functionalities for dynamic generation of JCo based structures and tables
- New and revised converters/SerDe: JSON, Protobuf, CSV, AVRO, Spark, Kafka Connect
- Revision of APIs for RFC functions
- UI: New display of parameter hierarchy for RFCs
- New version of a Kafka Connect source connector
- …