INIT now in the AI players business directory.
We have joined the artificial intelligence cluster in Bremen and the surrounding area. The goal is to combine our expertise in the areas of machine learning, stochastics, operations research, neural networks, and the development of corresponding software, and to exchange ideas with other companies and research institutions. More about this under
“Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the essential key technologies in and for Bremen. The importance of AI for the entire economy, science and society will grow exponentially in the coming years. Bremen is already a leading location in AI research.
With the renowned institutes of the University of Bremen in the AI field, the TZI, the DFKI site and the numerous other research facilities such as the Fraunhofer Institute, BIBA, as well as with the successful spin-offs from science, several hundred specialists are already active in the state of Bremen at an excellent and globally competitive level in AI research and development.
The Bremen location thus offers a large reservoir of knowledge and expertise on the topic of “artificial intelligence”, around which a rapidly growing entrepreneurial AI ecosystem is currently developing in the metropolitan region. Already more than 50 companies of various sizes are working in whole or in part in the field of artificial intelligence.” Source: