Connector configuration
Screen recording of the configuration process in Confluent Control Center
Configuration parameters
SAP application server host
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: IP or Hostname Importance: high -
SAP system number
Type: int Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,99] Importance: high -
SAP message server host
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: IP or Hostname Importance: medium -
SAP message server service or port number (optional)
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^([0-9]{1,5})|(sapms[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2})$ Importance: medium -
System ID of the SAP system, the so-called SID in format [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2}
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2})$ Importance: low -
SAP client
Type: int Default: Valid Values: length() = 3 Importance: high -
SAP logon user ID
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
SAP logon password
Type: password Default: [hidden] Valid Values: Importance: high -
Maximum amount of retries in case of system connection issues
Type: short Default: 30 Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Minimum time in milliseconds applied in the backoff strategy to wait before retrying to connect to the SAP system.
Type: long Default: 20000 (20 seconds) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Maximum time in milliseconds applied in the backoff strategy to wait before retrying to connect to the SAP system.
Type: long Default: 180000 (3 minutes) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Comma separated list of JCoException groups for which the retry backoff strategy will be applied. See for a list of valid group IDs.
Type: list Default: JCO-109,JCO-174,JCO-102,JCO-132,JCO-170,JCO-180,JCO-173,JCO-120,JCO-136,JCO-134,JCO-108,JCO-133,JCO-190,JCO-182,JCO-200,JCO-121,JCO-171,JCO-107,JCO-112,JCO-106,JCO-172,JCO-153,JCO-110,JCO-104,JCO-135,RODPS_REPL-520 Valid Values: Comma separated list of BAPI return errors in the form of <message class>-<number>.For native JCo exception groups use JCO-<number> with a message number in the range [101..200] e.g., 'JCO-102'. Importance: low -
Webservice data source identifier: logical system.
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
Webservice data source identifier: data source name.
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
Kafka topic (regular expression or topic name).
Type: string Default: WebDS0 Valid Values: valid regular expression pattern Importance: high -
Secure Network Communications (SNC) mode (1=on, 0=off)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
SNC name of the communication partner server. For example: p:CN=SID, O=ACompany, C=EN
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
SNC quality of protection Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
Type: short Default: 8 Valid Values: [1,...,9] Importance: low -
SNC name of the caller (optional). Overrides the default SNC name. For example: p:CN=MyUserID, O=ACompany, C=EN
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Turn on/off the SSO mechanism for SNC. (1=yes, 0=no)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Base64 encoded X.509 certificate as logon ticket
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$ Importance: high -
Authentication type - configured user or current user
Type: string Default: CONFIGURED_USER Valid Values: Importance: low -
SAP logon user ID
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Serialization format to be used for transferring function module data | columnBased: new column based serialization, sometimes also called 'fast serialization' rowBased: classic row based serialization
Type: string Default: columnBased Valid Values: [columnBased, rowBased] Importance: low -
Logon group name of SAP application servers (optional)
Type: string Default: PUBLIC Valid Values: Importance: low -
Enable/disable sticky behavior for logon load balanced destinations (0=disable, 1=enable)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
SAP router string to use for networks being protected by a firewall in format (/H/host[/S/port])+
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^(/H/(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))|(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])))(?:/S/\d{1,5})?)+$ Importance: low -
SAP logon language
Type: string Default: EN Valid Values: length() = 2 Importance: low -
Maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. A value of 0 has the effect that there is no connection pooling, i.e. connections will be closed after each request.
Type: int Default: 3 Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Maximum number of active connections that can be created for a destination simultaneously
Type: int Default: 10 Valid Values: [1,...] Importance: low -
Expected network type to be used by the destination (LAN=fast local area network, WAN =slow wide area network)
Type: string Default: LAN Valid Values: [LAN, WAN] Importance: low -
Initial logon code page in SAP notation
Type: short Default: 1100 Valid Values: [1000,...,9999] Importance: low -
Initial logon code page type (1=non-unicode,2=unicode)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [1,...,2] Importance: low -
SAP Cookie Version 2 as logon ticket
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Get/don't get an SSO ticket after logon (1=request ticket, 0=don't request ticket)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable logon check at connection opening time (1=enable, 0=disable and postpone)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable basXML serialization for transferring function module data (1=enable, 0=disable)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable table parameter delta management (1=enable, 0=disable)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Time in ms after that the connections hold by the internal pool can be closed
Type: int Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...] Importance: low -
Interval in ms with which the timeout checker thread checks the connections in the pool for expiration
Type: int Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...] Importance: low -
Max time in ms to wait for a connection, if the max allowed number of connections is allocated by the application
Type: int Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...] Importance: low -
When set to 1 the pool checks for corrupted connections before they are used by an application.
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Deny usage of initial passwords (0=do not deny, 1=deny initial passwords)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
A value of 1 forces the usage of remote function module RFC_METADATA_GET for meta data queries from ABAP systems, 0 deactivates it. If the property is set to -1, the destination will initially do a remote call to check whether RFC_METADATA_GET is available. And if it is available, it will use it.
Type: short Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable RFC trace (0=no trace, 1=enable trace)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Choose the trace level from 0 to 10, where 10 is the highest and most detailed level of tracing.
Type: short Default: 2 Valid Values: [0,...,10] Importance: low -
The timeout in seconds for a logon try after having established the technical client connection to an ABAP server.
Type: int Default: 60 Valid Values: [1,...] Importance: low