Configuration details
OData transfer protocol
Type: string Default: https Valid Values: [https, http] Importance: high -
OData server address as either DNS or IP
Type: string Default: Valid Values: Importance: high -
OData server port
Type: int Default: 443 Valid Values: [1,...,65535] Importance: high -
Basic Authentication: user name
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
Basic Authentication: user password
Type: password Default: [hidden] Valid Values: Importance: high -
OAuth client id
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: medium -
OAuth client secret
Type: password Default: [hidden] Valid Values: Importance: medium -
OAuth token endpoint URL
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: URL according to RFC2396 'Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax'. Importance: medium -
OAuth redirect URL
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: URL according to RFC2396 'Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax'. Importance: medium -
OAuth scope
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: medium -
Timeout in milliseconds for establishing an http connection.
Type: int Default: 15000 (15 seconds) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Timeout in milliseconds for reading data from an established http connection.
Type: int Default: 70000 (70 seconds) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Optional list of service-URL query parameters in the form of 'param1=value1,param2=value2'
Type: list Default: "" Valid Values: Parameters are checked against regex ^[^=&?]+=[^=&?]*$.Example: sap-client=200 Importance: medium -
Maximum amount of retries in case of service connection/communication errors defined by
Type: short Default: 30 Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Failed requests whose response have an http status codes included in this list will be retried.
Type: list Default: 408,502,503,504 Valid Values: Comma separated list of Http status codes.Each individual parameter is checked against regex [4-5]\d{2}.Example: '408,502,503,504' Importance: low -
Minimum time in milliseconds applied in the backoff strategy to wait before trying to reconnect to the service.The backoff strategy applied will select a random number of milliseconds to wait between and before starting the next retry.
Type: long Default: 20000 (20 seconds) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Maximum time in milliseconds applied in the backoff strategy to wait before trying to reconnect to the service.The backoff strategy applied will select a random number of milliseconds to wait between and before starting the next retry.
Type: long Default: 180000 (3 minutes) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Absolute path to the custom KeyStore on the worker machine.
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Absolute path to a file on the connect worker machine. Importance: low -
Password for the custom KeyStore.
Type: password Default: [hidden] Valid Values: Importance: low -
Type of the custom KeyStore.
Type: string Default: jceks Valid Values: [jceks, jks, dks, pkcs11, pkcs12] Importance: low -
Absolute path to the custom TrustStore on the worker machine.
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Absolute path to a file on the connect worker machine. Importance: low -
Password for the custom TrustStore.
Type: password Default: [hidden] Valid Values: Importance: low -
Type of the custom TrustStore
Type: string Default: jceks Valid Values: [jceks, jks, dks, pkcs11, pkcs12] Importance: low -
The protocol that is applied for the encrypted communication between connector and server.
Type: string Default: SSL Valid Values: [SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3] Importance: low -
Map DECIMAL values to primitive type FLOAT64(double) and INT64(long).
Type: string Default: none Valid Values: [none, primitive] Use none if all DECIMAL types are to be represented by Connect's DECIMAL logical type. Use primitive if all DECIMAL types should be cast to Connect's primitive INT64 and FLOAT64 type based upon the field's scale. In case of overflows the respective max and min values will be used. Importance: low -
The rounding mode applied during decimal value conversion if necessary. If set to 'unnecessary' the conversion fails if supplied scale does not match the values scale.
Type: string Default: half_even Valid Values: Importance: low -
The scale that is used during value conversion for decimals with variable scale if precision is unspecified.
Type: short Default: 6 Valid Values: [0,...,32767] Importance: low -
Custom http headers, key:value pairs separated by commas: key1:val1, key2:val2
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Comma separated list of Http headers.Each individual parameter is checked against regex ^[^=@&:?,]+:(?:[^=@&:?,]+)$.Example: 'headerKey1:headerValue1, headerKey2:headerValue2' Importance: low -
OData service path (root) being used to assemble the final service URL (<protocol>://<host>:<port><service path>). Usually starts with a '/'. Service and entityset build up the primary key for each OData configuration.
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
Name of the OData entity set. The entity set name can be queried from the /$metadata service URL
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
Kafka topic (regular expression or topic name).
Type: string Default: OData0 Valid Values: valid regular expression pattern Importance: high -
Time between two connector task poll()-method calls in seconds.
Type: int Default: 900 Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Use OData change tracking to enable delta request mode (0=off, 1=on). Needs to be supported by the corresponding service.
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Paging mode applied to reduce the amount of data returned in one single request.
Type: string Default: server Valid Values: [server, client] Use server to use the header preference parameter odata.maxpagesize. Use client if server side paging is not supported, track-changes is disabled and query functions $skip and $top should be used instead. Client side paging may lead to data inconsistencies if data changed between fetching two consecutive pages. Importance: low -
Page size as count of records in one single page request.
Type: int Default: 50000 Valid Values: [1,...] Importance: low -
Comma separated list of selected non-key fields to be extracted using the $select query option.
Type: list Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Hierarchy level up to which recommendations for the expand.list configuration (query option $expand) will be shown in the Confluent Control Center.
Type: int Default: 1 Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
List of expand query options to resolve associations of returned entity messages
Type: list Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Selection range field name
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: medium -
Selection range comparison operation: eq (equal), ne (unequal), gt (greater than), ge (greater or equal), lt (lower than), le (lower or equal), bt (between), nb (not between), in (in comma-separated set of values)
Type: string Default: eq Valid Values: [eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, bt, nb, in] Importance: medium -
Selection range value-from "LOW" will become visible if needed by the chosen range operation.
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: medium -
Selection range value-to "HIGH" will become visible if needed by the chosen range operation.
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: medium