Connector configuration
Screen recording of the configuration process in Confluent Control Center
Configuration parameters
SAP application server host
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: IP or Hostname Importance: high -
SAP system number
Type: int Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,99] Importance: high -
SAP message server host
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: IP or Hostname Importance: medium -
SAP message server service or port number (optional)
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^([0-9]{1,5})|(sapms[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2})$ Importance: medium -
System ID of the SAP system, the so-called SID in format [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2}
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2})$ Importance: low -
SAP client
Type: int Default: Valid Values: length() = 3 Importance: high -
SAP logon user ID
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
SAP logon password
Type: password Default: [hidden] Valid Values: Importance: high -
Maximum amount of retries in case of system connection issues
Type: short Default: 30 Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Minimum time in milliseconds applied in the backoff strategy to wait before retrying to connect to the SAP system.
Type: long Default: 20000 (20 seconds) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Maximum time in milliseconds applied in the backoff strategy to wait before retrying to connect to the SAP system.
Type: long Default: 180000 (3 minutes) Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Comma separated list of JCoException groups for which the retry backoff strategy will be applied. See for a list of valid group IDs.
Type: list Default: JCO-109,JCO-174,JCO-102,JCO-132,JCO-170,JCO-180,JCO-173,JCO-120,JCO-136,JCO-134,JCO-108,JCO-133,JCO-190,JCO-182,JCO-200,JCO-121,JCO-171,JCO-107,JCO-112,JCO-106,JCO-172,JCO-153,JCO-110,JCO-104,JCO-135,RODPS_REPL-520 Valid Values: Comma separated list of BAPI return errors in the form of <message class>-<number>.For native JCo exception groups use JCO-<number> with a message number in the range [101..200] e.g., 'JCO-102'. Importance: low -
Map DECIMAL values to primitive type FLOAT64(double) and INT64(long).
Type: string Default: none Valid Values: [none, primitive] Use none if all DECIMAL types are to be represented by Connect's DECIMAL logical type. Use primitive if all DECIMAL types should be cast to Connect's primitive INT64 and FLOAT64 type based upon the field's scale. In case of overflows the respective max and min values will be used. Importance: low -
RFC function group name. Enter the beginning of the name followed by an asterisk to load recommendations e.g. Z*
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: length() <= 26 Importance: high -
RFC function name. Enter the beginning of the name followed by an asterisk to filter recommendations e.g. Z*
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: length() <= 30 Importance: high -
RFC offset information export parameter name
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
RFC offset information input parameter name
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: high -
Execution interval in seconds for scheduled delta
Type: int Default: 900 Valid Values: [1,...] Importance: low -
Kafka topic (regular expression or topic name).
Type: string Default: RFC0 Valid Values: valid regular expression pattern Importance: high -
Secure Network Communications (SNC) mode (1=on, 0=off)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
SNC name of the communication partner server. For example: p:CN=SID, O=ACompany, C=EN
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
SNC quality of protection Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
Type: short Default: 8 Valid Values: [1,...,9] Importance: low -
SNC name of the caller (optional). Overrides the default SNC name. For example: p:CN=MyUserID, O=ACompany, C=EN
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Turn on/off the SSO mechanism for SNC. (1=yes, 0=no)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Base64 encoded X.509 certificate as logon ticket
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$ Importance: high -
Authentication type - configured user or current user
Type: string Default: CONFIGURED_USER Valid Values: Importance: low -
SAP logon user ID
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Serialization format to be used for transferring function module data | columnBased: new column based serialization, sometimes also called 'fast serialization' rowBased: classic row based serialization
Type: string Default: columnBased Valid Values: [columnBased, rowBased] Importance: low -
Logon group name of SAP application servers (optional)
Type: string Default: PUBLIC Valid Values: Importance: low -
Enable/disable sticky behavior for logon load balanced destinations (0=disable, 1=enable)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
SAP router string to use for networks being protected by a firewall in format (/H/host[/S/port])+
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: ^(/H/(?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))|(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])))(?:/S/\d{1,5})?)+$ Importance: low -
SAP logon language
Type: string Default: EN Valid Values: length() = 2 Importance: low -
Maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. A value of 0 has the effect that there is no connection pooling, i.e. connections will be closed after each request.
Type: int Default: 3 Valid Values: [0,...] Importance: low -
Maximum number of active connections that can be created for a destination simultaneously
Type: int Default: 10 Valid Values: [1,...] Importance: low -
Expected network type to be used by the destination (LAN=fast local area network, WAN =slow wide area network)
Type: string Default: LAN Valid Values: [LAN, WAN] Importance: low -
Initial logon code page in SAP notation
Type: short Default: 1100 Valid Values: [1000,...,9999] Importance: low -
Initial logon code page type (1=non-unicode,2=unicode)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [1,...,2] Importance: low -
SAP Cookie Version 2 as logon ticket
Type: string Default: "" Valid Values: Importance: low -
Get/don't get an SSO ticket after logon (1=request ticket, 0=don't request ticket)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable logon check at connection opening time (1=enable, 0=disable and postpone)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable basXML serialization for transferring function module data (1=enable, 0=disable)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable table parameter delta management (1=enable, 0=disable)
Type: short Default: 1 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Time in ms after that the connections hold by the internal pool can be closed
Type: int Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...] Importance: low -
Interval in ms with which the timeout checker thread checks the connections in the pool for expiration
Type: int Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...] Importance: low -
Max time in ms to wait for a connection, if the max allowed number of connections is allocated by the application
Type: int Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...] Importance: low -
When set to 1 the pool checks for corrupted connections before they are used by an application.
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Deny usage of initial passwords (0=do not deny, 1=deny initial passwords)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
A value of 1 forces the usage of remote function module RFC_METADATA_GET for meta data queries from ABAP systems, 0 deactivates it. If the property is set to -1, the destination will initially do a remote call to check whether RFC_METADATA_GET is available. And if it is available, it will use it.
Type: short Default: -1 Valid Values: [-1,...,1] Importance: low -
Enable/disable RFC trace (0=no trace, 1=enable trace)
Type: short Default: 0 Valid Values: [0,...,1] Importance: low -
Choose the trace level from 0 to 10, where 10 is the highest and most detailed level of tracing.
Type: short Default: 2 Valid Values: [0,...,10] Importance: low -
The timeout in seconds for a logon try after having established the technical client connection to an ABAP server.
Type: int Default: 60 Valid Values: [1,...] Importance: low