All notable changes to this connector will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.3.0 - 2020-08-19
- First public release of the odp source connector
- Connector version equals the OhJa version being used
1.3.1 - 2021-01-11
- Delta range selection configuration properties
- Migration to JCo library version 3.1.3
- Bugfix in configuration check regular expression
- Performance improvements, specially for sparse datasets
- Tests executed on S/4HANA
1.3.2 - 2021-06-16
- Changed JCo connection handling to decrease risk of outdated destination objects
- Migration to JCo library version 3.1.4
- Refactored Kafka Connect conversion library with extended schema information details
1.3.3 - 2022-04-14
- Support for realtime ODQ-push requests
- Configuration properties for cron-like scheduling
- Bugfix in full initialization recovery
- Bugfix for duplicate records in some cases of request recovery
- Minor performance optimizations due to enhanced caching during connector startup
- Migration to JCo library version 3.1.5
- Package name changed from org.init.ohja.kafka.connect.source.odp to org.init.ohja.kafka.connect.odp.source
1.3.4 - 2023-06-07
- Errors tolerance configuration options, including DLQ
- Major performance boost by added support for multiple JCo data serialization formats (compressed and uncompressed) including fragmented packages
- numeric.mapping configuration option to convert date, times and numeric chars to string
- headers.enable configuration option for including metadata information to kafka message headers
- Support for full extractions
- Implemented the Exactly-Once-API (KIP-618)
- Major change: In-task parallelization
- Enhanced logs using MDC
- Configuration option to close and deactivate real-time requests
- Fixed zombie tasks if connector is paused or shut down during retries
- Migration to JCo library version 3.1.7
- JCo destination and refresh logic
- Disable automatic generation of JCo elementary type default value in schema
- Fixed a bug with cron based scheduling in case of one-time only executions
- Bugfix in parsing of fragmented packages
- Applied retries to RODPS_FETCH_TIMEOUT BAPI return message
- Customizable retry exception list including BAPI error return messages
- Bugfixed retries for connection issues and ZIP-Exceptions
1.3.5 - 2024-03-05
- Connector specific JMX metrics
- Extraction of hierarchies
- Real-time time limit parameter to close the real-time ODP connection
- Migration to JCo library version 3.1.8
- Bugfix for scaling in BigDecimal conversion
- Bugfix in default configuration of cron scheduling
- Real Time max Package number parameter can be disabled now
- Default settings for Real-time max package number are set to -1 (disabled)
- Default setting for Real-time time limit is set to close after 1 week
- Increased the number of filter limits from 5 to 20 for delta selection and full selection ranges